《西方文明中的音乐》摘抄 第十章 巴洛克

2022-06-10 23:24:31

       The “dramatic” is usually conceived as being limited to an external happening or action representing opposing human individualities. But there exists also another sort of “dramatic” which we may call internal, struggle of forces in the individual man’s soul. Dramatic poetry can communicate to us, in reality, only the result of these struggles, because it must transform everything into intelligible and concrete symbols. Poetry can represent only momentary mental states, a series of them. Music, however, is capable of presenting these forces in their very struggle, thus giving us a real drama free of all material, tangible, or visible elements. Music is the language of the soul, it is the means of expression of actions and experiences which take place in the secluded depths of the soul. This fundamental characteristic of music makes it a natural expressive and communicative agent of artistic ideas, which are pre-eminently the results of mental experience.

But there are many images of the world that are incomplete without music and demand an association with it. There is, an extended domain in which music associates itself with poetry and drama, because there is a drama which can be fully expressed only through music. This drama cannot be conveyed by music alone in that universal drama which is the classical symphony, whose action takes place in the indefinite, for music has not, strictly speaking, pictorial means of illustration and explanation. It uses other means—forms, rhythms, etc.—to facilitate its comprehension. It order to transform the mental into the corporeal world, music must ally itself with another art or arts.

泰勒曼(Georg Philipp Telemann, 1681-1767巴洛克晚期及华丽时期德意志汉堡派作曲家,器乐演奏家,音乐史上罕见的自学成才作曲家及最多产的作曲家之一,信义宗执事Heinrich之子,Georg Michael祖父,J.S.巴赫挚友,C.P.E.巴赫教父。早年活跃在家乡马格德堡、莱比锡、波兰扎雷、巴黎、艾森纳赫等地,自学音乐、入读大学、兼职作曲、建音乐社团、指挥歌剧院、指挥选侯宫廷、任选侯宫廷歌唱主管及结识J.S.巴赫等。1712-1721年居法兰克福,奠定个人音乐风格,再娶M.C.Textor,发表首部作品及首部合唱杰作,作品多产,名利双收,生活幸福。1721年人生转折,后居汉堡主,任汉堡市音乐总监近半个世纪,同时还教授歌唱音乐理论知识及指挥另外一个音乐团体,并短暂管理当地歌剧院。续弦不忠及嗜赌,几乎败光其全年收入,1736年后因经济纠纷而分居。1737年后漫游巴黎及柏林等地,采风作曲。1740年代创作不再高效,专注音乐理论研究及热衷园艺栽培。1750年代之作多数是早年戏仿,教会神剧作品多出自此时。1755年长子Andreas去世,肩负起养育孙子之重任。1762年起创作再减,但仍坚持创作,健康与视力衰退困扰其暮年。卒于汉堡,教子C.P.E.巴赫继任其职。

