The last decades of the sixteenth century were filled with bewildering contradiction, Church and state had been shaken to their foundations and were in need of rebuilding. New forces that were making themselves felt in religion, politics, arts, and letters were facing equally powerful forces opposed to them. These were the times of the fully developed reform movements, the religious wars, the establishment of absolutist monarchies, the foundation of the modern science of physics, the appearance of the mystical-natural philosophy of such men as Agrippa of Nettesheim, Paracelsus, and BÖhme, and the flourishing of a new scholasticism. A changed Europe emerged from these tormented decades.
卡尔达拉(Antonio Caldara, c.1670-1736)巴洛克晚期意大利作曲家,威尼斯出身而划归拿波里乐派的作曲家,维瓦尔第的同门师兄弟,师从莱格伦齐(Giovanni Legrenzi, 1626-1690)。
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